Is stress, anxiety, and depression weighing you down? Are your relationships missing love and joy? Is there addiction, trauma, or loss holding you back from a life of joy? Do you find your self-lacking motivation to live your dreams? Are you tired of feeling sad, frustrated, agitated, angry, depressed or anxious. Are you ready for change in your life?
My passion is to help you improve your life and maximize your goals. I increase awareness and find stuck points and life circumstances that prevent you from living your true self. I help individuals and family members who struggle with addiction and long-term sobriety. See yourself with more compassion for self and others, joy, vitality, and love. I provide a safe and compassionate environment for you to be raw, honest, and open to personal transformations from hurting to healing. Let’s discover the gold in you! There is life and joy on the other side of sadness and loneliness. You can discover and enjoy emotional sobriety and rich/abundant internal resources.