Sherry Brier is an inspirational speaker, female thought leader, global mentor and best-selling author who is passionate about inspiring women to reach their highest potential. She is founder and director of WomenRockProject.com, the largest online video library of women’s wisdom to inspire, educate, and motivate women and girls. Her show Women Rock Project appears weekly on WinWinWomen TV and Roku.com where she shares videos of over 500 inspiring women from around the globe.
In her latest book, DARING DAZZLING DIVINE: Secrets to Rock Your Life, Sherry shares with you the secrets that will transform your life. The secrets you need to take your destiny into your own hands. The secrets to reinvent yourself and become the hero of your life. These secrets are the proven strategies of all successful and happy women.
Sherry is Founder/Director of Inner Rhythm Movement Arts Institute for 30 years where she teaches dances from around the world. She directed 5 dance companies and created concerts in venues in the California Bay area. She is the author of Doorway to Ecstasy: A Dancer’s Initiation. She circles the globe to learn about the cultures, dances, and lives of women.