Yvonne Heath, Canada's Proactive Living Consultant is creating change! What if we talked about, planned and prepared for grief BEFORE it arrives? We understood grief and accepted that it is a part of this journey we call life? Could we bring heart and humour wherever we go?
Imagine if we normalized conversations about life's challenges, grief and death throughout life. We were proactive and accepted unpredictability and change. Would we suffer less? Could we laugh more, no matter what life threw at us? Maybe! It's worth a try! Let's talk about Grief BEFORE it arrives!
Canada's Proactive Living Consultant™, Yvonne shares how we can teach people to Just Show Up for themselves and others so they are empowered and resilient when grief and life's challenges arrive.
Yvonne is the Founder of Love Your Life to Death and the #IJustShowedUp movement. Since 2015, she has been sharing her message globally using heart and humour.
She is an award winning author and a celebrated TEDx Speaker.