Laura West, CPCC, is the founder and president of the Center for Joyful Business and host of Joyful Business TV.
As an international business success coach, Laura helps coaches, healers, trainers and purpose-driven entrepreneurs discover their creative leadership inside and out so they share their Soul Work with more people and have more of an impact. She is passionate that you can do meaningful work that makes a positive difference while making great money doing what you love.
She knows when you are aligned with your joy and passion, you are more innovative, creative, and confident and success is inevitable! She has helped 1000s of entrepreneurs and professionals over the last 20 years unlock their Soul Work, creativity and greater impact.
She is also the author of The Joyful Business Plan, a right brain creative planning toolkit and creator of Fun & Fabulous Follow Up, Elegant Enrollment and 100’s of programs, workshops and creative tools. She is a frequent guest and contributor to podcasts, video summits and conferences.
Laura brings a unique perspective to business. She is passionate that we can create a positive impact to make the world a better place with our businesses. You’ll find a creative blend of conscious business, creativity, spirituality, intuition, positive psychology and leadership skills with practical marketing.
You can get more resources and tools at her website at JoyfulBusiness.com