Honoring the pioneer ladies of International Women’s Day, the team at InternationalWomen’sDay.org recognizes and applauds the contributions of so many courageous women – from many nations - throughout the past 100+ years. We celebrate the advancement of women’s rights in all areas of life, with the acknowledgment there is still much progress to be made and work to be done.
In many parts of the world, women still live in fear and have fewer rights than imaginable.
This show is dedicated, with profound gratitude, to all who have gone before us; those who have sacrificed to pave a smoother and safer path for the women of today and for our girls – the women of tomorrow.
We at InternationalWomensDay.org celebrate the lives of women everywhere – women of all nations, all cultures, all beliefs. We love you all!
We recognize the strength of every woman. We believe that together we can – WE WILL – fulfill the century-old vision of the International Women’s Day Founders to stand firmly together as we do all we can to create a better, more peaceful world.