I am a wife, mother of 6, grandmother, Registered Nurse, Certified Instructor of Hypnosis, and Master Hypnotherapist. I am also a partner with STARFISHPERKS.com, A BETTER WAY TO PAY, AND BE PAID. I share tips and techniques for living the life you desire, spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially.
I combine my skills as a nurse with my hypnotherapy skills to assist others to overcome the roadblocks to health and vitality such as pain, anxiety, weight loss, depression, test anxiety, phobias, bed wetting, financial woes, fatigue, and addictions of all kinds, (alcohol, smoking, vaping, meth, heroine, etc.) I have also been blessed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and Lyme Disease. My unique experiences have prepared me to lead others in successfully navigating health challenges. I am a creator and designer of my life and I would love to help you design and live a life you love.
Check Out My YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChD16fm7bD-V6ks-QydIaog