
Erin Lebacqz is an international speaker, educator, and author. Erin created the High-Value Writing program to help business and academic writers around the world develop writing confidence, clarity, and voice. Erin leads presentations and facilitates discussions on writing clearly and with emotional intelligence.
Erin's 2022 book, High-Value Writing: Real Strategies for Real-World Writing, helps readers manage the writing they do at work or in their personal lives. Erin based the book on conversations with thousands of business writers around the world, and offers practical and actionable tips you can apply immediately.
Erin has been teaching writing in the US and internationally since 1998. Her clients have included the US Forest Service, the State of California, Wuhan University in China, Anderson School of Management, UC Davis, and Universitas Negeri Gorontalo in Indonesia. Erin also works with various companies and organizations in the financial, manufacturing, and not-for-profit sectors.
Erin also teaches at the University of Chicago's Graham School, and educates writers around the world through her YouTube channel, “High-Value Writing.”