
As the founder of Mastering Your Beliefs, Nancy’s clients usually refer to her as their “Sensei” a title from her days as a student, competitor and teacher in the Martial Arts.
Martial Arts taught Nancy that her strongest weapon is not her physical strength, it’s her inner strength.
During her journey to do whatever it was going to take to free her mind from the unresolved experiences of her childhood, she lost everything. Once she learned to let go of the past, she became unstoppable.
Nancy has experienced the joys of marriage, motherhood, being a home owner, becoming a grandmother, a great grandmother and the fulfillment of being an entrepreneur.
She’s also known the gut wrenching experiences of miscarriage, divorce, physical pain, trauma, childhood abuse that escalated to sexual abuse by the age of 12 and limiting beliefs about who she is and what she’s capable of.
Nancy loves working with people to teach them how to heal their inner child; so they can free themselves from their own unresolved childhood experiences. Mastering Your Beliefs is the way to stop allowing the negative experiences of your past to affect your future, thus enabling you to abandon your lack beliefs in favor of abundance – something every person deserves to understand if they're going to expand beyond their vision and discover the infinite possibilities they’re capable of!