
I believe that you CAN live your optimal entrepreneurial life. This show is here to help heart centered entrepreneurs to make that dream a reality.
I’d love for you to truly have the kind of freedom in your businesses that you expected when you were newly minted. I’d love for you to increase your reach and your impact and to never have you worry about having enough clients again, ever. And I'd love for you to have the income that allows you to run your business in the way you want to, give back in the way your heart calls and have the things that you want that are just for you.
It’s possible and it’s not rocket science. On the Grow Your Business Smarter: Live Your Optimal Life Show, we get together the best experts in the field who focus on business growth and personal development and we share their expertise with you, with fun, humor and authenticity. You CAN live your best entrepreneurial life. You get to choose.
Hi, I’m Dr. Davia Shepherd. I wear a lot of hats just like you. I’m a Mom, A sister, a daughter and a wife. I help my patients feel better every day. I’m a bestselling author and a professional speaker; I host and coordinate our women’s collaboration collective called: Ladies Power Lunch ( LPL for short.)
But the one thing that I’m most passionate about, the one thing that gets me out of bed in the mornings and into the office on a Monday, is the opportunity to support women in business to live their optimal lives: To grow their visibility, reach, impact and their income. I’m a beacon for beacons... but it’s more than that:
I’m an amplifier. I have combined almost two decades of experience (in corporate as well as running my own community practice,) with my innate ability to translate the energetic signature of the best version of you, into words. That big dream that you didn’t even know you had, for both your business and your life? Step into my field and I can not only translate it, but also make it bigger.
I take that higher vision of you and use it to develop a solid plan for increased visibility, reach and success. The result is that you shine your light at its most brilliant; that you stop being the world’s best kept secret. Your optimal clients, the ones that are losing sleep at night because they need you, the ones who light up when you work together, they are then able to find you with ease and grace; and you can Answer The Call that is calling your heart.