Do you have a message to share? Your voice…your passion…it's inside but you're feeling a little unclear on how to best share it with the world. Engage & Shine! is for you if you desire more confidence, charisma, and want to have a clear vision of YOUR VOICE and message when showing up, both on and off the camera.
How would your life be different if you could share your message authentically, making an impact and creating your dream results? We will be exploring all the makings of what it takes to show up as an elevated version of your best self in the realm of virtual presence, mindset, and public speaking all the way to the glory and glamour of the lights, camera, and audio. Come join me as we get YOU ready to SHINE on your stage and share your beautiful LIGHT with the world.
Lisa Hannigan is the Founder ofThe Lisa Renee Experience LLC, a company specializing in helping families and individuals treasure cherished moments through the creation of exquisite, timeless artwork. She offers customized photography experiences and creation services. Her mission is to empower people through her camera lens to feel confident, loved, and seen, creating a legacy with their smile. She says, "I believe we all have a spark that's ready to be lit!".